Mental Health Perspective

Funwarrior Adventure Sports – We are a positive state of mind, healthy diets, exercise, time management and bringing life into focus portal. Regarding exercise and mind management – Both tend to head toward degeneration if no effort is made to keep them on course. That is why participating in mud and obstacle races, marathons, biathlons and the like in conjunction with a lifestyle that draws from the discipline of a special forces recruit to the state of mind of a Henry David Thoreau you will find many rewards. It is all about mental health.

Mental Health via Mind Management – Live Simply and Deliberately (Thoreau) – State of mind is the key to getting the things done you want to get done. Everyday counts! That is why organization is key to making things happen. Trying to deal with the day to day crush of information can be daunting. That is why it is important, as a first step, to get the repeatable events down on a calendar. Yes, write down all the minutia that consumes so much of your thinking power. It may be an electronic calendar or paper. We prefer paper. And the bigger the better for writing notes. USE simple paper calendars to keep track of your itinerary. No operating system to startup …

Time Management is Mind Management – What you want to get on the calendar is all the important dates. List the birthdays of all family and friends. Next all the anniversaries, next special events you have lined up like season tickets to the theatre or sporting events. The more information the better BECAUSE now you have freed your mind from burning up cycles trying to remember if you forgot an important date or worse trying to make up for collateral damage from forgetting an event. I do this once a year in January and follow-up as needed. It takes about two hours, but saves 20 times that amount of time in wasted cycles. I mark down vacation time, things I want to do to help others, reminders to send cards on special holidays to certain people, and the list goes on. The nice thing is when I wake up in the morning all I have to do is look at the calendar. Not wait 5 minutes for an operating system to power up in a 15″ GUI then have to scroll day to day to see what is coming up. Keep it real simple. PAPER CALENDARS. Thoreau would be proud. As a matter of fact Henry took copious notes. A good portion of his work is in Concord, Massachusetts Special Archives. Check out – Thoreau

Live Simply – The State of Mind award goes to Henry David Thoreau for his analysis of nature in his book “Walden”. The concepts of keep it simple are just as relevant today as it was in the mid 1800’s. You just have to stand back and look. I recommend you read the book “Walden”. Here are some basics from Wikipedia. Read More

Epicurean-ism – Another facet of mental health is to live modestly. This is a concept worth reading about. It is not what you think but goes hand in hand with Thoreau. “The way to attain such pleasure is to live modestly and to gain knowledge of the workings of the world and the limits of one’s desires”. Read More

Pareto’s Rule – In all day to day routines think Pareto’s Rule, the 80/20 rule. Spend 80% of your time on high impact tasks and 20% of the time on low impact tasks like writing bills, doing laundry, etc. The high impact time could be your day job or special projects you have decided to engage in such as developing a new business, writing a book, teaching a course and so forth. The 80/20 rule. Read More

Simple Lifestyle Concepts:

Paper Calendars – Mark down birth-dates, anniversaries, travel plans, on-call schedules etc. Just get it off of your mind. Keep it visual. The analog world still works. Better than digital in most cases.

Be Social Buy “Greeting” Cards – Hand written cards and letters deliver the highest emotional impact for those you love and care about. Email does not cut it.

Get Social …Not Social Media – Read books, meet people, take the time to talk with people face to face. Minimize the use of digital social media. It adds minimal quality of life.

Think of the Other Person – Think “obedience to the unenforceable” by the Honorable Lord Moulton – Read More

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone – Travel, explore. Read Joe De Sena’s book “Spartan Up!: A Take-No-Prisoners Guide to Overcoming Obstacles and Achieving Peak Performance in Life”. Available on Amazon.

To Paraphrase Navy Seal Admiral William McRaven – “Don’t let the little stuff bother you. Every day is a circus”. Read his book “Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life…And Maybe the World”. Available on Amazon.

Live Simply – This guy got it right. Henry David Thoreau. Suggested reading “Walden”.

Plan and Prioritize per Randy Pausch – Time management guru – See his last lecture on YouTube- YouTube

Exercise – You will feel the difference. You will have a higher energy level and suffer fewer diseases. Use mud and obstacle races, half marathons, and adventure races, to name a few, as activities to stay on track. To compel a commitment. Just start with short walks every day and watch what happens to your state of mind, then the energy level, then the thought process …

Keep your Body Mass Index below 25 – Exercise and minimize excess calories by following a good diet. Stay 10 pounds below your recommended BMI for optimum performance.

Look for Good Food – The stuff without the commercial wrappers, like veggies, fruit, lean cuts of meat, multigrain breads etc. Exclude food groups that have labels “when used in moderation …”

80/20 Rule – Use Pareto’s Rule to stay successful by spending 80% of your time on high impact events and the other 20% on events of a lessor nature.

You can control your mental health – Don’t aim to be perfect. Just keep it 80/20 !!

The Legal Stuff – VERY IMPORTANT– We endeavor to be accurate, BUT, typos happen and schedules change. Always check with the event organizer for actual dates and times and for the most up to date information. Please note that those listed do not necessarily endorse this website. All information is an opinion(s) of the author. We are not medical professionals. Thank You for using the Funwarrior Adventure Sports Portal.

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